Stuck in an old paradigm??

We all have our own paradigm, or lens, through which we view the world. It is made up of what we have intentionally or unintentionally picked up along the way, and includes what we learned from our parents, our peer group, our religious groups, and all the other influences that have shaped us into who we now are. Until we are able to step back and recognize how this happens, we don’t see how our responses and choices are being influenced, and even controlled, by our particular lens.

When we get to places where we can’t seem to make sense of our lives, it may be time to do some reflecting, and some digging, to see how old, once-useful beliefs and paradigms may no longer be serving us. Feeling frustration, angst, being filled with questions regarding your life, can create despair and a sense of hopelessness. However, it is quite possibly a golden opportunity to explore why your deeper self is doing what it can to get your attention! Perhaps it is time to step outside your comfort zone and learn how to see life in some new ways that actually work for you!
